1. In search type “Payment Terms” & select the link.
2. Create a new installment plan and name it “30/60/90”
3. Put the “Due Date Calculation” to “30D”
4. Check mark the “Installment Plan” field
5. Put the “Days 2nd Due Date” as “30D” for the second payment of the invoice (which will be 30 days after the first payment)
6. Put the “Days 3rd Due Date” as “30D” for the third payment of the invoice (which will be 30 days after the second payment)
7. Go to Customers and open a customer card
8. Go to the Payments tab and choose the Payment Terms Code “30/60/90”
9. Create a Sales order for that customer and on the lines, add Items or G/L Account or resource.
10. Post the order
11. Posting Request Form will appear, select ship & Invoice.
12. Check the Customer Ledger Entries, there are 3 lines for the Posted Sales Invoice with the same Invoice number but different Sub Invoice Numbers
13. The full amount of $1,416 is distributed equally into 3 different lines with 3 different due dates within a month of each other.