This document shows how to transfer items from one location to another.
Item Transfer Journal (serialized)
Create Item transfer journal to transfer 5 pieces O12F71-01: Diamond Ring with LaborPC from location “House” to location “Show”.
To fill minimum required fields follow the steps:
1. Search ‘Item Transfer Journal’ in search & select related Link.
2. In “validate” field select pieces.
3. In “scan type” field select Item.
4. In “Item No” field, select O12F71-01: Diamond Ring with LaborPC.
5. In “Location code” field select HOUSE.
6. In “New Location code” field select “DEMO LOCATION”.
7. In “Pieces” field enter 5.
8. Press Add.
9. Click More Options
10. Select Navigate -> Line -> Item Tracking Lines.
11. Item Tacking Lines card will appear. Select Process -> Select Entries.
12. Item Tracking-select entries card will appear. Notice that 5 pieces are already selected. Click ok to save & close page.
13. Selected entries are update on Item tracking lines card. Click ok to save & close page.
- Print Item Transfer Journal.
- Now Post the journal. Select Post.
- Confirmation message will appear, select “YES”.
- The journal is now successfully posted.
- Check item ledger entry.
- Go to item card.
- Select item no O12F71-01.
- Select “More Options à Navigate àHistory à Entries àLedger entries”.
- Notice that there must be 10 entries generated.
- 5 negative entries at location “House” (1 entry per piece).
Note: -1 indicate 1 negative entry.
- 5 positive entries at location “Show” (1 entry per piece).