Create a Resources
To fill the minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. In the search panel search panel type “Resources”, select given link.
2. Click New -> New. This will open new resource card.
3. Expand General FastTab.
4. In the No field, enter “RES001”.
5. In the Name field, enter “Resource ABC”.
6. Click drop-down arrow in Basic Unit of Measure field, select HOURS.
7. Expand invoicing FastTab.
8. In the Direct Unit cost field, enter 20.
9. In the Unit price field, enter 40.
10. In Price/Profit calculation field, select Profit= Price- Cost.
11. Expand eJewelry FastTab.
12. In the WorkCentre No field, select SETTING.
[Note: You can choose any of available option as per your requirement.]
13. Press ESC to Save & Close the resource card.