Purchase Return Order
To fill minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. On the navigation pane select “Purchase & Payables -> Purchase Return Order”.
2. Select New. New Purchase return order card will appear.
3. Expand General FastTab.
4. In “Vendor Name” field, select Candoxy Nederland BV.
5. In “Vendor cr. Memo No.” field, enter VCR0016.
6. Select Actions -> Functions -> Copy Document.
7. Copy Purchase Document form will appear.
- In Document type select either ‘Posted Invoice’ or ‘Posted receipt’ to copy from.
- In Document No field, select Posted Invoice or Posted receipt for vendor Candoxy Nederland BV.
- Press Ok. To copy line from the selected document.
8. Notice that Purchase line is updated.
9. Now, to print return order select Print/send -> Print.
10. Print request form will appear, select appropriate options & then select print.
11. Now to post order, select “Process -> Post”.
12. Posting request form will appear. Select ship & invoice.
13. Purchase return order is now successfully posted & moved to posted purchase credit memos.