To fill in the minimum required fields, follow these steps:
1. In Actions Click New Document -> Purchase -> Purchase Order.
In header click Purchase & Payables -> Purchase Order -> New
In the Search box, type "Purchase Orders", and then click the related link. Click New.
2. No. field: Press ENTER to automatically insert a purchase order number in the No. field.
3. In the Buy-from Vendor No. field, click drop-down arrow & Select Vendor No. JWVND001, Candoxy Nederland BV.
[Note: Notice that some fields on the header are now populated with the information that you entered on the vendor card. However, you can change them on the order document. For example, you can change the Buy-from Contact No.
Changes that you make in documents do not affect the default settings in the master data record, which in this case is the vendor card.]
4. In Vendor Invoice no. field, Enter Invoice No. VI004.
Vendor Invoice No. is unique field, the Invoice number should not be repeated.
5. In the Lines FastTab, go on the 1st line.
6. In Type field, select “Item”.
7. Click on No. Field, Select No. “2” (Rope Chain).
Notice that the Description field is now filled with Rope chain, which is the description from the item card. You can modify this field as you want.
8. In the Pieces field, enter 50. This is the total number of items being ordered with this purchase order.
Figure: Purchase Order General FastTab
9. Notice that the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT field is filled with the value of the Last Direct Cost field on the Item card.
10. The Qty. to Receive and Qty. to Invoice fields are updated with the value that you entered in the Quantity field, 50. You can change Qty. to Receive & Qty. to Invoice if you want to partially receive & invoice item.
11. Expand the Invoicing FastTab, and note the date in the Due Date field. The document date and the payment terms code determine the due date. Because this vendor is set up with seven days as payment terms, the due date is seven days after the document date.
12. As Item No. 2, Rope Chain is a serialized Item We need to assign serial No. to all Items in Order. To assign serial numbers follow the steps:
a. On Lines Header Click “More Functions”. This will reveal secondary options.
b. Click On Lines -> Item Tracking Lines.
c. Edit- item Tracking Lines window will appear, In header click
Actions -> Functions -> Assign Serial No’s
d. New Message window will appear. In Quantity to create field, enter “50” & click Ok.
e. Serial No’s will be automatically assigned to each item. Click close.
13. In header click Actions -> Posting -> Post.
14. The posting request form appears showing the default option, Receive and Invoice. Click Ok.
15. The (initial) purchase order posting function is now done.
16. You can also access the posted purchase receipts through the navigation pane as follows:
a. In header click posted Documents -> Posted Purchase Invoice