Create an estimation for customer C0020- miller stones, for 200 pieces of Blue Topaz.
To fill the minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. On the Navigation Pane click eJewelry -> Estimations -> New. This will open new estimation card.
2. Expand General FastTab.
3. No. field: Click Enter to automatically assign Estimation no. from default No. series.
You can manually enter new estimation no. Confirmation Message will appear, click OK.
4. Click drop- down arrow in Item No. field, select ST001 (Blue Topaz).
5. Click drop down arrow in customer No field, select C00020.
6. Expand component lines FastTab.
7. In the type field, select Item
8. In the Item No field, select ST001.
9. In the pieces field, enter 200.
10. To print estimation, click Report -> Print -> Customer Estimation.
11. Edit- Customer Estimation form will appear, click print.
12. Press ESC to save & close the page.
13. Now if customer agreed with the estimations & order the item you need to create a sales order for this estimation.
14. To create sales order for estimation, follow the steps:
- On the Navigation pane, click Sales & Marketing -> Sales Order.
- Press Enter to automatically assign the sales Order No. from default No. Series.
- In the customer No field, select C000020. (Customer on estimation card).
- Expand Lines Tab, move on 1st line.
- In the Type field, select Item.
- In the No. field select ST001.
- In the Estimation No field, select Estimation No- E000036.
- In the Pieces field enter 200.
- Now sales order is ready.
- To process sales order click Posting -> Post.
- Posting request form will appear, select Ship & Invoice. & click OK.
- Sales order for estimation No- E000036, is now successfully posted.