Item Journal is the journal to adjust inventory in connection with purchases, sales, and positive and negative adjustments.
Create an item journal for Positive adjustment of 5 pieces of item No: AP003 at location house.
To fill minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. In search type “Item journal” & select related Link.
2. Item journal card will appear.
3. In the ‘Entry Type’ field select “Positive adjustment”.
4. In Document No field, enter PA001.
5. In Item No field, select AP003
6. On location field select ‘house”.
7. In pieces field enter 5.
8. Select Process -> Item Tracking Lines.
9. Item tracking lines card will appear. Click Actions -> Functions -> Assign Serial No. Select Quantity & press OK. Notice that serial no. will be generated. Click OK
10. If you want to print the item journal, Select Process -> Print.
11. Now post item journal. (Process -> Post).
12. Confirmation message will appear. Click Yes.
13. Item journal is now successfully posted.
14. Now check the item ledger entry.
- Open item card AP003.
- Go to Navigate -> History -> Entries -> Ledger Entries.
Create an item journal for negative adjustment of 2 pieces of item No: AP003 at location house.
To fill minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. In search type “Item journal” & select related Link.
2. Item journal card will appear.
3. In the ‘Entry Type’ field select “Negative adjustment”.
4. In Document No field, enter NA001.
5. In Item No field, select AP003.
6. On location field select ‘house”.
7. In pieces field enter 2.
8. Select process -> Item Tracking Lines.
9. Item tracking lines card will appear. Click on “Select Entries”.
10. Item Tracking- select entries card will appear, notices the 2 pieces are selected automatically. Click OK to close the page.
11. These 2 pieces are then updated on Item Tracking card. Click ok to save & close page.
12. If you want to print journal, select Process -> Print.
13. Now Post item journal.
14. Confirmation message will appear. Click Yes.
15. Item journal is now successfully posted.
16. Now check the item ledger entry.
- Open item card AP003.
- Go to Navigate -> Entries -> Ledger Entries.