Before buying and selling items, you must set up information and policies that the program uses in item transactions. All this item-specific information is entered and maintained in one central place: the item card.
When you create document lines for a specific item, the relevant information from the item card is entered in most of the fields on the lines and the line amount is calculated according to the quantity you enter.
Create a metal item Chain Necklace with Item calculation code JWINCR.
To fill in the minimum required fields, follow these steps:
1. On the Navigation Pane, click “Items”. You can reach the same page by searching “Items” in search box at top right corner (a bulb symbol).
2. Click New -> +New (Create new entry) to open a new Item Card page.
3. Select the template “Item Finished”.
4. Expand the General FastTab.
5. No. Field: Press ENTER to automatically fill in the next number of the default number series for items in the No. field.
You can manually enter a new item no. apart from default number series. Ex. CNECK0059, etc. A confirmation message will be displayed, press ok.
[Note: item No. is Primary key for item table, its values cannot be repeated.]
6. In description field, enter “Chain Necklace”.
7. Click Drop-down arrow, select Inventory. Other options are service & Non-Inventory. By default it is Inventory.
8. Click dropdown arrow in Base unit of measure field and select PCS.
9. Click dropdown arrow in Item category code field and select Chain Necklace.
[Note: Item category codes consist of a combination of posting. When you use an item category code, you do not have to enter posting groups every time that you set up an item card.]
Figure 1: Item card CNECK0059- Item (General) & Inventory FastTab
10. Expand the Posting details FastTab.
11. Click drop-down arrow in the Gen. Prod. Posting group & select FINISHED.
12. Click drop-down arrow in the Inventory Posting group & select FINISHED.
Figure: Item card CNECK0059- Posting Details FastTab
[Note: The Planning FastTab holds information that is used by the automatic materials requirement planning (MRP) system. Fields in this FastTab are mandatory if you are using planning. Otherwise, you can skip this field]
13. Expand planning FastTab.
14. Click drop-down arrow in Reordering policy, & select “Fixed Reorder qty.”.
[Other options are lot-for-lot, order, Maximum Qty.]
15. Click drop-down arrow in order tracking policy, & select “Tracking only”.
16. In Reorder Point, enter “20”.
[This means that when the inventory level falls below 20 units, then the planning system will suggest to replenish]
17. In Reordering Qty., enter “50”.
18. Expand eJewelry FastTab.
19. Click drop-down arrow in Item Type, Select “Metal”.
20. Click drop-down arrow in Item calculation code, Select “JWINCR”.
[Available options are LABOR, LABORPC, JWINCR, and JWINCRPC]
21. Click drop-down arrow in Inventory By field, select Pieces.
22. Click drop-down arrow in Calculate PW field, select weight.
23. In Avg. weight field, enter “5”.
Figure: Item Card CNECK0059- EJewelry FastTab
24. Expand Metal FastTab.
25. Click drop-down arrow in Metal type code field, select “Gold”.
26. Click drop-down arrow in metal code field, select “14K”.
27. In Base fixed cost, enter 35.83.
28. In Increment base field enter, 1100.
29. In Increment factor field, enter 0.0233
Figure: Item Card CNECK0059- Metal FastTab
30. Press “ESC” to save & close the page.
You do not have to fill in the remaining FastTabs and fields now. The new item, CNECK0059, Chain Necklace, is ready for further processing.