Create a stone item, Blue topaz in NAV database.
To fill in the minimum required fields, follow these steps:
1. On the Navigation Pane, click “Items”. You can reach the same page by searching “Items” in search box at top right corner (a bulb symbol).
2. Click New -> +New (Create new entry) to open a new Item Card page.
3. Select the template “Item Raw Material”.
4. Expand the General FastTab.
5. No. Field: Press ENTER to automatically fill in the next number of the default number series for items in the No. field.
You can manually enter a new item no. apart from default number series. Ex.ST001.
A confirmation message will be displayed, press ok.
[Note: item No. is Primary key for item table, its values cannot be repeated.]
6. In description field, enter “Blue Topaz”.
7. Click dropdown arrow in Base unit of measure field and select STR.
8. Click dropdown arrow in Item category code field and select STONE.
[Note: Item category codes consist of a combination of posting. When you use an item category code, you do not have to enter posting groups every time that you set up an item card.]
Fig. Item Card ST001 – Item & Inventory FastTab
9. Expand the Posting details FastTab.
10. Click drop-down arrow in the Gen. Prod. Posting group & select RAW Material.
11. Click drop-down arrow in the Inventory Posting group & select RAW Material.
[Notice that this values are already updated from template]
Fig. Posting detail FastTab
12. Expand Prices & Sales FastTab
13. In Unit Price Field enter 100.
14. Click drop-down arrow in Price/Profit Calculation & select Profit=Price-Cost.
15. Expand eJewelry FastTab.
16. In item Type field select Stone.
17. In Avg. Weight field enter 2.
Fig: eJewelry FastTab
You do not have to fill in the remaining FastTab and fields now. The new stone type item, ST001, Blue Topaz, is ready for further processing.