Cash receipts or deposits are registered using a cash receipt journal. A cash receipt journal is a type of general journal, so you can use it to post transactions to general ledger, bank, customer, vendor, and fixed assets accounts. You can apply the payment to one or more debit entries when you post the payment, or you can apply the posted entries later.
1. Search “Cash receipt Journal” & select the related link.
2. “Cash receipt Journal” card will appear.
3. In document type field select payment.
4. In document No field, enter 001.
5. In “Account Type” field, select “Customer”.
6. In account no field, select customer no “APCUST001”.
7. In balance account type field, select “Bank Account”.
8. In “balance account no.” field select “Bank1”.
9. In the amount field enter -500.[or you can keep the field blank]
10. Select Process à Apply Entries.
11. Apply customer Entry card will appear. Select Invoice PSI-000114 & click on Actions -> Applications -> set-Applies to ID.
12. Notice that “Applies to Id” No is generated.
13. To print cash receipt journal, select Actions -> Posting -> test report.
14. Test- report Print.
15. Now post the journal. (Actions -> Posting -> Post).
16. Confirmation Message will appear, select “Yes”.
17. Journal Lines are now successfully posted.