To fill the minimum required fields, follow the steps:
1. On the navigation field, select “Sales & marketing -> Sales Return Orders”.
2. Select New. New sales return order form will appear.
3. Expand general FastTab.
4. No. field: Press enter to update sales return order No. from default No. series.
5. In “Customer Name” field select APCUST001-MARY SMITH.
6. Expand Lines Tab.
7. In “Type” field, select “Item”.
8. In No. field, select Item No. AP001.
9. In “Pieces” field, enter 10.
10. Select “Tax Group Code”.
11. Select Process -> Apply entries.
12. Apply entries card will appear, select Invoice PSI-000114. & click applies to ID.
13. Notice that “Applies to ID” no is generated for invoice. Click ok to save & close page.
14. Now sales return order is ready to print sales return order, go to Process -> Print.
15. Print request form will appear, select proper options & choose “Print”.
16. To Post the sales return order, select “Home -> Process -> Post”.
17. Posting request form will appear, select “Receive” & click OK.
18. The sales order is now successfully posted & moved to “Posted sales credit memo” window.